Monday, August 11, 2008

Mets 8 - Marlins 6, The Jonas Brothers, LaGuardia

I don't have the energy to form paragraphs (or sentences for that matter), but I want to update on my sweet trip, so here goes (in no particular order):
  • David met Marcy and my boys!
  • and he got to see where I lived for a year
  • and my favorite places around town :)
  • We walked all over midtown and up into Central Park
  • Took a taxi back to Grand Central
  • Boarded the 7 train to SHEA to watch the Mets beat the Marlins :). On our way there (we were going to be late), David remembered that it was the "free fleece blanket to the first 10,000 fans" day. DARN! They looked really cool!! (and they were free!)
  • We saw a few home runs, a pitcher's debut (don't even remember his name anymore), a sweet sunset
  • Left early to get back into the city early-ish (10:30)
  • Ate at ESPN Zone where the Tigers were on -- Yea!! We figured no way would they be on, but alas, there they were. and on the tv right by us!
  • Took a LATE train and got back to Connecticut even later
  • Stayed with Gillian -- THANKS hon!
  • Got about 4 hours of sleep (3 for DJH), woke up early and just barely made a pre-8:00am train.
  • Downtown for City Hall, the Brooklyn Bridge (where we saw NYPD men climbing to the top on the cables -- wow!!), Ground Zero and the fireman's memorial (it still gets me, even after seeing it 11 or 12 times. I still get tears in my eyes)
  • Wall St., the famous bull (D. jumped on for a photo!)
  • Saw the Jonas Brothers' bus at MSG. They had a concert there that night. the bus was completely covered with writing. girls saying "I LOVE JB! love, Samantha" and nonsense like that
  • Walked around midtown some more, had some delish Mexican food for lunch, then parted ways at Grand Central. He took the train back and I hopped on a bus to La Guardia. I thought I'd write about that in this post, but it's going to have to wait. I'm just so exhausted.

That's all for now...........

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