Sunday, September 7, 2008

First week down,

something like 35 to go.... Although that's not exactly true because we didn't have a full week. Nevertheless, I was ready for a break on Friday afternoon. It was nice to ease into things.
I'm teaching three different history classes (United States, Local, and World), and Civics and Government. It's a great time to be teaching Civics and government since there's such a big election coming up... U.S. History is a lot of fun for me -- it feels like it's already so ingrained in me. I don't have to study too much, and I get excited about it. World History is going to be pretty tough. There's just so much to talk about and go through. In just a year. Again, I find it really interesting, especially relating it to things going on today, or comparing it to today. Plus I have a smaller class so I can do a lot more.

Julie has been a huge help setting up my classroom! She feels the same way as I do about organization (HAVE to be organized!!), so she has some good ideas and has spent a couple of hours just helping me find places for things.

I have a few workshops in the next couple of months, so I'm already going to need substitutes. Ahhhh! I've always been on the other end of that. It's going to be weird making plans and having someone else come into my class and follow them.

This is an incredibly boring post. I wish I had a sweet story to tell...

The first day I got a lot of comments like "Are you here to stay?" and "Are you our real teacher?" and "Are you here for good?" (I didn't expect that.)
and "I heard you had a really tough interview!!"

small town - rumors fly!


  1. Sounds like you had fun! :) Hope to hear all about it! Heidi

  2. Can't wait to hear more, Karen! I'm so excited for you... Awesome.


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