Sunday, November 30, 2008

If I knew then...

Lately I've been wondering

If I knew then what I know now, would I make this choice? Would I still become a teacher?

Of course as you're taking all of the classes (in college), preparing lessons (to turn in for a grade), getting ready for student teaching -- you hear the stories: if you can make it through your first year, you'll be fine! or That first year is really rough, make sure you know what you're getting yourself into! Then (while you're student teaching, or just finishing up classes before you student teach) you hear about the classmate that was a year or so ahead of you in classes, who only made it one year and switched professions.

All along, I was thinking Of course this is what I want to do. That first year can't be that bad. Plus, it's only a year! It can't be too much harder than college. I'll be super organized, and spend the whole summer before that first year getting ready. I'll be prepared to not have a life outside of school, and just really appreciate my breaks. It can't be that bad!

Ha! What did I know then?

So, going back to my first question: If I knew then what I know now, would I do it again? Would I go to college to be a teacher? I'm not sure what the answer is. You can't imagine or prepare yourself to know what it's going to be like. And then I didn't have the whole summer to get organized and prepared and ready for the first few weeks. I had less than one week.

I like my job, I know that much. So I guess maybe I'll know the answer at the end of this first year...


  1. Just think, Karen... A few more weeks and you'll get two wonderful, relaxing, awesome weeks off to spend with family & freinds and not think at all about school. Stay up late, read some non-school books, go out for lunch (I'll go with you!) You sound like you really need a break. If you need a coffee night, give me a call. I'm done with class this Wednesday so after that life is going to slow down a bit. Hang in there. :)

  2. Although I can't really speak for him, and he never complained...which is amazing now that I think of it... I remember my Dad as a school teacher. He put in 30 yrs. I just had the feeling that those high school kids brought a lot of stress into his life. He did switch to Post office work then for 5 years. I guess if you want to live in the U.P. there are less careers to choose from. And how many people really enjoy their job 100% of the time. Remember that you can always switch careers at any point in Life. And also remember those Summers off... a huge plus! Yeah, like Sarah says, hang in there. And I know you, you're tough, you'll be fine!

  3. Karen, your post is so refreshing. I think it must be true for many people, althought I am not a teacher (in a different way I am!) I still have doubts; variety really is the spice of life. It is fun to enjoy hobbies on the side :) When your job calms down a bit. . . takes awhile. In the meantime, I may change my tune- I start a new job at a hospital in town tomorrow! Love ya!


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