Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I'm (day) dreaming of something tropical

Your Ideal Island Vacation is Fiji

On an island vacation, you prefer to get the full beach experience.

And for you, that means staying somewhere with few people and lots of beach.

With over 300 islands, you can find your own private spot in Fiji.

Relax by the crystal clear water, or venture off to find a waterfall.


  1. That was my vacation too... And coffee sounds great, name the night!

  2. I'll take a vacation anywhere! Happy Belated Birthday, Karen. We're getting big:) I have warm memories of you. Running home to your house after school, playing hockey on the rink. It was so fun to find a friend from town:) Funny when I think of us having contests of who could get the best grade in Mr. Hendu's history you teach cool is that? I have a link on facebook about some courageous tough Finns, our history. Can you ever step outside of American history? It's pretty fascinating. Juli


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