Thursday, February 12, 2009

sleeeeping, summer, shades

Whew! I'm completely exhausted and it's only 7:45 on Thursday night. What a week - I haven't had a free minute to sit and take a deep breath and relax. The 3:27 bell rings and I look up and realize I haven't eaten lunch, taken a full breath, checked my (school) email or my calendar all day. and the kids are gone and all of a sudden I look up and it's 6:00... or 7:00 and I wanted to leave by 4:30. I think that is just a dream. seeing the sun or having an evening. Because when I get home by 6:30 or 7:30, it's just enough time to eat dinner, grade some papers, and get to sleep.
On the plus side, my pile of papers to be graded is a lot smaller than my pile of papers to be recorded, which is even smaller than the combined piles to be returned. That accomplishment makes me smile!

Sleeeeeeeping: I have a student who cannot stay awake during class. and it has an adverse effect on me and the rest of the class. I get cranky and the other students think they can sleep too. It's an issue I've been working on with this student and the principal, but the solution we came up with makes more work for me. I want to be the teacher that helps all of my students succeed (and I'm working my hardest!), but if he chooses to sleep and misses material, is it really my job to teach him later (on his terms)??!

This week is homecoming for our school, and I finally participated in one of the dress days today... the theme was Summer in February, so it was fun and easy. :) The kids were pumped to see me "dressed up." And I wore my sweetest sunglasses - got some interesting comments about them... Do you wear those for real? Are those yours? Really, Miss H?

The big game's tomorrow night!


  1. Those are some snazzy shades. They are totally jealous!

  2. Maybe your student has an iron deficiency.

  3. We're starting to think it might be a medical issue, so we're going to try to help him figure it out...

  4. I love your stories because they bring me back to Davin's days of teaching. Rumor has it (actually it's true story) that once when a student of his fell asleep day after day he took away his desk. when he told me I told him I thought that was mean, but he said it worked because he kept the student in class (instead of sending him to the principal's office, as he had done previously), and the student stayed awake through the lesson. Hm.


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