Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Already April!

I'm still alive over here. Just trying to make it through this last week before spring break... I think my head has been on break for a few days now, and that makes it really hard to keep up on everything!
Trying to connect World War II to tenth graders with a mind that's on vacation is pretty difficult. Luckily I've taught it before so I don't have to do a lot of reading or researching for all of the extra details. We finished up the Vietnam War in US History, so the next two days should be okay.

I packed for my trip last Saturday so I don't have to stress out or get anxiety about that tonight or tomorrow. Just have to load my suitcase in the car and hop in. :)
Here's my itinerary:
Friday - take off, arrive to NYC late
Saturday, Sunday - NYC
Monday - NYC in the morning, Connecticut in the afternoon, NH in the evening
Tuesday, Wednesday - NH and Boston
Thursday - drive back down to NYC, fly to the other end of the (this) state
Friday through Sunday (Good Friday and Easter!) - visiting Michelle and Ed
Sunday night - back home!
Monday - recover :)
Tuesday - back to work for ~6 weeks

Whew ~ it's going to be busy, but no students for 10 days sounds awesome right about now!
School is good but just so exhausting.
What a boring post, but if I don't put something up now, it'll be way too long...

1 comment:

  1. Aaron and I just read a good book on the Vietnam War. It's called Fallen Angels, by Walter Dean Myers. He's also written one on the Iraq War called Sunrise Over Fallujah. I'm in the process of reading that one. Just for reference if you were interested. :)


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