Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's OFFICIAL... over!! done!!! Finished!

My big news: I finished (survived!!) my first year of teaching!!! Today was the last day - the students took their exams, were dismissed at noon and I finished all of my grading at 1:30, cleaned up my classroom... and left! What a free-feeling ride home from work today!

I've dreamed about this day for a long time. Off and on since September if I'm being honest.

14 weeks off for this chica :)

I've spent the majority of my life over the past 9 months in this room and I closed the door today, not knowing when I'll open it again. Because I don't have to until, oh, about September 3rd or 4th. I cleaned up, took everything off the walls, shut down my computer...

And left :)


  1. Congrats, Miss Helminen!!!! Awwww-- what a great feeling. Love you classroom. btw: i frequent that photographers website, too!

    oh, and your nephew is just adorable! That age is so fun.


  2. ahhhh...! The sweet feeling of school being out for the summer! Congrats on having your first year wrapped up. Enjoy your summer- we'll have to get together soon.


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