Sunday, May 3, 2009

Long day, it's worth it

I ran into my friend (and fellow blogger) Katie yesterday evening and gave her a hard time about updating her blog... I'm not one to talk, though, because I go through dry spells. So I figured I should at least do a little update.

Yesterday was the first wedding of the season for Liz and I got to be her assistant again. It's always fun when they start up again, and yesterday was no different. It was great to be able to capture Jen and Jeff's big day!

When I left school on Friday (early! 4:15) I was resigned to the fact that I'd have to go in at some point during the weekend to finish some things up. Since we photographed the wedding yesterday, Saturday was out, so it was going to be today. It's too nice out. It's May. There's a birthday party for Molly. The Wings play. The Tigers play. I'd like to enjoy this weather.
Executive decision: I'm not going in!
(I'm probably not going to be loving that decision tomorrow, but I'll figure something out.)

I dressed up like the 80s for school on Friday (bangs and everything!) and I have some really good stories.... That's another post for later, though.

I'm going to enjoy this beautiful (do I dare say it?) Spring day!

1 comment:

  1. We need to get together soon!

    And I'm thinking positively- I think spring is here to stay.


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