Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Goals - A working list for this month

  • Start master's degree (I've been accepted and assigned an advisor, chosen a program) - actually, take a step back: map out my master's degree, then I can start.
  • Get serious about house-hunting!
  • Work on scrapbooks that have been neglected since last summer
  • Plan my Connecticut trip ~ June 22 - 27. Not sure if I'm going to fly or drive. Going around and around on that. It's cheaper to drive but obviously takes a lot more time. And it's not cheaper by much. Thoughts?
  • Purge! Go through my collections and get rid of things. This one is going to feel really good.
  • Get some work done at school. As you can see, this isn't high on my list... I'm not ready to do anything serious there yet.


  1. I say fly, it takes less time and you can just relax!

  2. Drive. Make a memorable road trip out of it. :) Unless you're going alone of course.

    By the way, I seem to have your entire scrapbook stash... if you hadn't noticed.


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