Sunday, January 10, 2010

11 states in 5 days!

Kelly and I went to: Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, and Louisiana in 4 days... and on the 5th I added Minnesota to that list. It was a whirlwind few days but definitely fun! We had some quality time in the car to visit, unlike the one hour here and there we've gotten for the past few years since she's been in Optometry school.

These are in random order because I'm too lazy to move them around...

I liked the matching {old!} lights. There is so much old-style detail all over the French Quarter in New Orleans.
We didn't eat here but checked out the courtyard that leads to the restaurant. Cool textures.

Kelly and Elvis in Nashville.

Back to New Orleans. See, I told you they're in a messed-up order. {Old} French Quarter on the bottom, {new} disappearing sky-scrapers above. It's a cool city if you ever have a chance to go. I was there before Katrina and going back I could see that the city has changed. Lots of positive energy though... jazz on the street corners, tourists checking out the city. We were there a couple of days before the Sugar Bowl {between the Cincinnati Bearcats and the Florida Gators [Florida won]} so there were tons of football fans walking the streets.

I don't think I had seen cotton fields before this trip. I don't know if I really captured it in this picture, but they are beautiful. After passing by many in southern Alabama, I convinced Kelly to stop so I could take some pictures. I would've taken more but the farmer was across the field {singing a song I didn't recognize}.

And back in Nashville on Legends Corner.

Thanks Kelly for a great time!


  1. Thanks, Karen, for the adventure and keeping me company! :)

  2. What a fun trip! I love the architecture in New Orleans also...


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