Saturday, February 6, 2010

Running, contacts, school

It's been awhile since I came on and I guess I have a few things to update. I went for a run today. Kind of a big deal for me even though it was very short. Dave's trying to get me into running so I'm trying to be willing. It just isn't that easy when it's not very fun. :)

I finally got my contacts about a week ago. I've had glasses for about 14 years so I guess it was time for a change. I haven't decided if I like them or not. On the first day at school when I didn't have my glasses on the students made a lot of comments like "You look weird. but I can't figure out what's different." ... "I like your glasses better. I mean, if you like contacts, that's fine, do whatever makes you happy, but I like your glasses." (From a 15 year-old girl.) Good thing she didn't shatter my self-confidence, hey?

All week the students were feeling really free with comments about me. On Thursday I found out some of the seniors keep track of what I drink... whether it's water, PowerAde Zero, Diet Green Tea, or Diet Mountain Dew. That day they asked me if I've been feeling okay because it was the second day in a row of DMD. and they knew on Monday and Tuesday I had had the tea.
A girl in another class commented on my shoes. I think she realized I wear one of two pairs at school. I wear my boots to school and leave my shoes there.

In US History the students are having their last World War II test on Monday. Kind of sad for me because it's one of my favorite things to teach and for the most part the students really enjoy the lessons. Time to move on though. In World History we just finished a really fun unit on the French Revolution and Napoleon. {At least I thought it was fun!}

1 comment:

  1. That is hillarious that your students keep such close tabs on you and your beverages (and shoes)! Good luck with the running! : )


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