This week...
- Looking for a house (and everything that goes with that), whew.
- Last week of the marking period (all of my stacks of papers have to be graded. shoot.).
- Can't get the wedding off my mind :) I should be thinking about other things but it's hard.
- Packing for the big trip
- Driving 9 hours on Friday and I then get to see Dave!!!! He's busy redoing his roof this week - sunup to sundown. I wish I was down there helping (not sure what I could do but...).
- The kids are just as ready to be on spring break as I am.
- Whew!
- Whew.
- It's almost April.
Apparently you have quite a bit on your plate this week! At least you have a nice long (warm) vacation to relax (and secretly do some wedding planning) and get geared up for the last couple months of school. :) Have fun! I'll try to not have my baby while you're gone. :) Ha ha, like I'd ever go early.