Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Once again

During second hour today some students came into my room with a "thank you letter" and a bag of treats. :) The letter contained words/phrases like "100 Grand," "Payday," "Extra" and "Rocks" etc... and the corresponding candy was in the bag. It was really cute and so thoughtful.

The students were not awesome today but that's been typical lately, especially since the seniors have less than two weeks left and the underclassmen feel like they should be done soon too. Last year I had heard about this attitude so I scheduled projects for the end of the year so I wasn't trying to keep their attention and keep them motivated. They have projects they have to work on so it's up to them to get it done. That time is coming up in all of my classes (and it has already started with the seniors)... and I know that means the end of the year!! :) Yea!

I ordered my wedding cake today. It was a lot of fun and ended up being easy... the hard part was the past few weeks looking, trying to decide what I wanted. When my mom and I got there and looked at the pictures, I knew right away what I liked (and she agreed). One more step done!

Katz and I are heading out of town right after school on Thursday. I told my students in one class today that I was going to be gone on Friday so they'd have a substitute. One girl said "Where are you going this time?" So I told her and she said "Wow, you have an awesome life! Someday that's going to be me..." I guess she thinks I travel a lot.

Have I mentioned I get to see my fiance on Thursday?! :)

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