Sometimes I come on here to write and I can't think of a title so I don't write a post at all.
I can't think of a title but I guess I can still update this page...
Dad's making progress. Today was a big milestone: day 15 after the initial bleed. They say the biggest risk for re-bleeds, strokes, and seizures is during the first 14 days after the initial event.
He was doing great after the initial bleed but then the stroke occurred 6 days later. That's what he's in the intense rehab program for - the stroke. His left side is weaker than his right but they're working on that in PT. His fine motor skills have been affected so he's also working on that. His balance is getting better the more he walks and does all of the exercises. He has a great PT; dad loves a challenge and he feels like every exercise his PT has him do is challenging him. His OT is going well, too. Yesterday he had a pasty for lunch and he thoroughly enjoyed it! Said it was the best food he'd had the whole time he's been at the hospital. We brought him one today too.
Thank you to everyone who has stopped by for a visit, called, texted, sent cards, and posted messages on the care page. The outpouring of support has been tremendous and so comforting during these difficult weeks.
I can hardly believe it but school's about to start again. WHERE did this summer go? I'll be spending most of next week in my classroom getting it (and my lessons!) ready for students on September 7th. Also we have teacher inservices so those are always busy days.
On the last day of school in June the students said "This is your last day as Miss H! Next year you'll be Mrs. K!" That's about to be a reality; I'm now a Mrs.
I have so many ideas running through my head for things I want to do. When I think about it, I get excited for the new year; there are so many fun things to do with my students! Whenever I get excited, though, I think about all of the work ahead. We switched to block schedules and trimesters so I have to reorganize all of my lessons.
I'm up late waiting for company to get here. David, Greta, and Katz came to town today. They along with Peter are at the hospital or on their way here.
Have a great weekend!
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