Friday, August 12, 2011

Summer vacation

Finally I'm having my summer vacation! I don't want to think about school starting in 3.5 weeks, or getting back into my classroom to get everything organized and ready to go in 2.5 weeks. Shoot.

Instead I'll think about what's going on now. I spent a wonderful week at home and now I'm back with Dave. He was home for 4 days but had to come back early to get back to work. If I could I think I would stay down here with him for the next year or so. However long the job takes.

Kristin and her boys are on their way here to visit for a few days. Company!

1 comment:

  1. Happy summer break! :) Enjoy your time off! Certainly understand wanting to live near your spouse ~ it stinks having to be apart (Pete had a few jobs where he was gone for extended periods of time)! Take care! Heidi


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