Monday, March 11, 2013

So many thoughts

I should keep up with this better!

Today I have so many thoughts going around in my head and this is a place where I sometimes record them. Here goes...

I got home from a wonderful, recharging weekend away with some of my oldest friends. Years ago we talked about going somewhere cool for our collective 30th birthdays, but this milestone crept up on us. We were lucky to find a weekend that worked for all 5 of us, and we ended up meeting in Madison, WI. Not quite the "somewhere cool" we had talked about several years ago, but in the end it didn't matter where we were. We had a wonderful time with lots of great conversations and some good laughs. :)

We are working on healthy eating. After a weekend away, I have to get back into the swing of things. So far so good (well, except for the leftover cheesecake I had for lunch). Shoot, not so good so far.

I'm hoping to figure out a trip home after Easter sometime. I'm ready for a little break from trips in the car, so a month should be good.

Our baby is getting so big! I feel like he is on the verge of some new tricks like rolling and sitting up, and maybe even sleeping through the night. We will be starting him on food soon (probably this week). I feel like this is a huge step! Feeding him is so easy right now, and its going to be so much more work when we introduce the solids. Right now he's cooing and talking away. He had a rough patch sleeping for several weeks, and now that he's sleeping better, he is so much happier! Dave and I are loving all of the smiles and having a happy baby in general. There is much to be said about a happy baby who sleeps!

I'm excited for Easter! I'll get to see lots of my family. :)

Nothing too interesting here, I'm realizing. I guess I'm not quite ready to share some other thoughts I have whirling around. Maybe later.

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