Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Aiden Update: 28 months

Aiden is almost 28 months old. Right now we are waiting for him to start talking. He can say lots of words and has said some sentences, but he usually prefers to point and say "uh." We are trying to get him to use words, especially when he gets frustrated about something, but it rarely works. Or if he says words, we can't understand them at all. 

Out of all the words he knows, he loves to say "Baby!" the most. :)

I wish I could say he's been sleeping well. At home he was, but since we got back here he hasn't slept through the night at all. Last night he was up 4 or 5 times. Sometimes he's bawling and hysterical and there's not much we can do for him. Other times he just wants some more milk & he'll go right back to sleep. He's still taking great naps so that helps. If he's up early, he'll take a couple 2 hour naps. 

If Aiden is hungry, he'll eat whatever we are eating for dinner. Most of the time he's not hungry when we are eating. He ends up picking at his food, and his appetite shows up a few hours later at bedtime. A couple nights ago, we had taco salad for dinner and he couldn't get enough of it! It's the first time he's eaten tomatoes. He loves chocolate, almond milk, coffee, eggs (fried or scrambled), spaghetti, and p and js. 

Aiden's favorite toys right now are his go-go Smart Wheels tracks and cars, his "Clover" stuffed bunny, and his MickeyMouse  book. He also has a shake n go Lightning car and Mater truck that he plays with off and on all day. When we went home for Christmas, we got the original Cars movie on our iPad for Aiden to watch. It was a huge hit and now he recognizes the characters and thinks they're so cool. Having the movie to replay a couple times made the trip a lot easier. 

Here's a few other little random things: Aiden is stingy with his kisses. Some days he freely gives them and other days he won't at all. He loves giving hugs but he hasn't figured out that you should use your arms when you give a hug. He'll put his head up against you for a hug. Aiden is figuring out a little here and there that he can play with Anders. It's so cute seeing them together! 


  1. Fun post! The last few times that you've come home, the first time I see Aiden, he comes running to me with his arms opens and gives me a big hug!! It completely melts my heart! ❤️

  2. Yes it's so cute to see him light up when he sees Auntie Heidi!!


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