Thursday, January 29, 2015

Friday Favorites: Birthday Cheesecake Edition

Today I'm going to finally actually link up for Friday Favorites! I've been talking about it all month and today I'm going to go for it. I'm linking up with Andrea at 

My birthday was on Wednesday and after working 12 straight days of twelve or more hours per day, Dave got off early for the special occasion! He "only" worked 8 or 9 hours and came home nice and early so we could spend some quality time together. My favorite :) 

First stop, The Cheesecake Factory for some delicious late lunch/early dinner. I had the Baja Chicken Tacos and oh. my. gosh. They were soooo good!! My new favorite meal there!

It was 70 (!!!!) degrees out so we decided to walk around the city a little bit. 

Checking out the sights! 

The best 3 guys to spend my birthday with! 

After walking around, we sat down and had a few bites of my favorite cheesecake: Ultimate Red Velvet Cheesecake :) 

The sky looked beautiful on the way back to the car. This photo doesn't do much justice to it. Unfortunately. 

My two little men. How are they getting so big?! 

Shoutout to Dave for making my birthday just perfect! And thanks to Mother Nature also! :) Wednesday was definitely one of my favorites! 


  1. Stopping by from Friday Favorites- glad you linked up! It's always so much fun! And, yummy cheesecake! Happy Birthday!

  2. Sounds like a perfect day on JANUARY 28! Beautiful people, beautiful weather!! I'm happy for you!!


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