Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday Favorites: Sleeping Edition

One of these Fridays I'll do the linkup with Momfessionals for this Friday Favorites, but for now I'm doing it for fun on my own. Today it's one big huge Favorite! 

I think every mom will agree with me on this one. One of my very favorite times of the day is when both of my boys are sleeping! This doesn't happen very often (it's actually pretty rare), so when it does, I LOVE it!!! We are going through some rough patches with sleep, so I cherish a quiet moment around here. 

For fun, here are some cute photos of my boys sleeping lately. 

Aiden wanted to snuggle up with me one evening before bedtime. He fell asleep like this. 

Anders loves snuggling too! 

Aiden missed his nap this day, so by late afternoon he was super tired! He fell asleep at a basketball game with Auntie Heidi. 

And one last photo. Anders snuggling up during a naptime at home. When it was super cold, he always wanted to have lots of blankets and pillows for his naps. 
I was always right there with him... I know he's too young for blankets and stuff. 

Happy Friday! 


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