Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Mid-Week Update

We've had a busy few days lately with the visitation and funeral for Dave's dad. It is so heart-warming to be on the receiving side of so much love shown in so many different ways. 

Dave got to town late on Saturday and we didn't spend more than a couple minutes sitting down for the next several days. 

Aiden likes to help with the dishes and sometimes having him help is the only way I can get them done. Otherwise he's busy bugging his brother and I have to jump in every minute or so.
When I was unloading the dish rack after Aiden loaded it, I discovered this. :) Way to line up the forks, bud! 

Anders has been interested in food a lot lately so on Saturday I decided to attempt a little more than a spoonful. If this picture tells you anything, I'm sure you can see how much he liked it. I'm happy to feed him baby food and real food. It takes some of the pressure off of me...

Later on Saturday, we celebrated Anna's birthday with a dinner out at one of our favorite restaurants. 

We made a few photo boards to be displayed during the visitation, and I came across this photo. It was two summers ago at John's 80th Birthday party at the camp. Here's John & Pril with 13 of their children. 

Aiden was all set for the visitation on Monday afternoon! 

The funeral was yesterday and afterwards, some of the adults went to Pril's house to write thank you cards and visit. Even after several hours, we didn't want to leave. 

Today Dave and I spent the day doing errands and packing up. It's a big job. We are also closing up our house for the winter so we had lots of extra things to do for that. 
We visited at my mom and dad's for awhile, then went to Dave's mom's before we headed outta town. 

It was so hard to leave. 

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful legacy John left here on earth! What a blessing for him to gain the wondrous victory we all wish to attain!


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