Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Recipe Wednesday:Potato Salad

Linking up with Andrea, sharing yummy recipes today. (Her chocolate cake looks really good... Go check it out!)
 Last year, I experimented with a new potato salad recipe. I was on a kick when I was experimenting with different home made dressings so for this salad I did the same thing. I didn't have high expectations (I never really do when I make new things), but it was good. And Dave LOVED it. Probably more than anything else I've ever made.

You probably have all the ingredients in your kitchen already, too. 
This is the only photo I have. I should've thought about taking some while I made it the other day, but I was also occupied with a two year old and a very busy nine month old. Haha :) 

Shopping List
7-9 Red Potatoes
6 eggs
1/2 small red onion
1-1 1/2 cup mayonnaise 
2Tbsp mustard 
2tsp sugar
2tsp salt
1tsp celery seeds 
1-1 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar 
Dash of pepper

Boil potatoes. Remove from water and cube. Set aside. 
While the potatoes are boiling, hard boil the eggs. (I put eggs in water and turn on the burner. When the water is boiling, turn off the burner but leave the pot there for 14 minutes. Drain water and immediately put in an ice bath for 2 minutes.) Peel and slice the eggs. Set aside. 

Slice the red onion into small pieces. 
Gently mix the potatoes, eggs, and red onion in a medium sized bowl. 

Combine the mayonnaise, mustard, sugar, salt, celery seeds, red wine vinegar, and pepper in a small bowl.  Stir well.  

Pour dressing over potatoes and gently stir. Serves 6. Refrigerate leftovers. Seriously good stuff! 

He likes it too :) 


  1. What great timing! I don't know why, but lately I've been craving potato salad!

  2. Haha :) sweet! Let me know when you try it what you think.


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