Thursday, June 4, 2015

The One With Lots of Photos

We have had a lot of fun over the last week!! 

Here's a few highlights...

One evening we got food from a local food truck and ate near this cool fountain. What a fun day with my three best guys! 

Another night we went to a local festival and tried some yummy food. 

Good food as evidenced by his messy face :) 

Another evening we went for a nice walk around our local area. 

His smile is so charming! 

He wanted to take a break from walking. :) 

We have been working on potty training with Aiden. On this day I told him if he went on the potty, we'd go for a walk to the store and he could pick out a treat. He gets so excited when he goes on the potty and this day he was so excited, too, to pick out his favorite treat. 

Uncle Tyler came to town! How cool is that! We picked him up from his hotel and went for some delicious local barbecue. It was a nice evening to eat on the patio. 

An actual photo of the four of us! :) 

Two tired boys. I rarely get pics with these two so we tried this day and this was the best we could get. 

Uncle Tyler is so cool! 

I needed a break. Or a redo of that morning. So here's the boys taking a break... (Let's just say within the first hour of getting up I had already used all of the cleaning supplies/tools we have.) 

Some days he's just not ready to wake up. 

We got to hang out with Uncle Tyler again! Aiden and Tyler had to check out the cool magazines at Barnes & Noble :) 

My little sweetie pie loves Cheerios! 

"Smile for Momma!" 

Getting way too big, way too fast! He'll be one next month. Wait. How did that happen?!?!!! 

1 comment:

  1. So fun pictures!! 💖 in the picture when Aiden is wearing his cars hat in the stroller he reminds me so much of Wesley when he was that age!


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