Friday, March 25, 2016

Friday Favorites:: Easy Solo Dinner

Happy Good Friday to you. I hope where ever you are, you have a chance to remember the reason for today's holiday.

I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for another Friday Favorites today, and I'm sharing my favorite meal for one. Off and on I'm on my own with the boys and (keeping it real!) my go-to meal for them is macaroni and cheese. Sometimes things like hot dogs, sandwiches, or eggs make it on to the table too. I used to eat whatever I made them to make it a super easy evening, but last December I found out I'm allergic to a bunch of foods including dairy. Last week when Dave was away working, I had this Paleo Eggs & Veggies for dinner several times. 

This dish is super easy and surprisingly tasty. I was inspired by my sister Kathleen, who makes something like this for breakfast. Yum! 

Ingredients (serves 1) 
2 tsp coconut oil
2 eggs 
Lettuce, chopped 
Green onion, chopped 
Fresh cilantro (or a different herb you like)
1/2 small tomato, diced 
1/4 cucumber, diced up small 
1/4 avocado, seeded, peeled, and sliced small 
Salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, basil 

Fry some eggs in coconut oil. I prefer mine over medium for this dish because that runny yolk is perfect over all the veggies. Season your eggs with salt, pepper, and other spices like red pepper flakes and basil. 

I'm just getting used to frying my eggs in a cast iron pan, so they turned out a little brown on the edges. 

Chop up your lettuce and green onion and tear off some cilantro. Mia these three ingredients on your plate. Slice your cucumber, tomato, and avocado. Toss into your salad. Leave some to garnish. 

Put the eggs right on top of your lettuce and veggies. Garnish with cilantro, green onion, and tomato. 

You can use dressing and cheese if you want (goat cheese would be excellent!) but the runny yolk kind of makes up for not having dressing. 

1 comment:

  1. Yum! One of my favorite go to meals when I want to do something quick!


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