Sunday, June 28, 2009

Growing babies!!

Busy life down here with the twins! Lots of feeding/changing/rocking/holding. :) They are wonderful! and growing every day. I was looking at pictures from when they were a day old and they've already changed so much. It's fun to be here to see it.
  • Katz and I checked out some trails the other day. Walked/ran a couple of miles. It was on one of those days that wasn't 99 degrees and humid.
  • Katz and I babysat tonight so mom and dad could go on a date. The babies slept the whole time.
  • I haven't gotten lost at all :) There's construction here and there but I'm managing to find my way around anyway.
Life is good!

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed you haven't gotten lost - even the locals are having a hard time with all the construction.


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