Monday, June 22, 2009

Keeping up

At this point I might be making up for being so sporadic with my postings during the school year. Yes, I realize I just wrote last night but why not two days in a row?
  • I went to school to get some work done this morning. It was SO fun!!! This summer break is really good for me. It's helping me remember that I love teaching and I love history.
  • An unexpected surprise in my classroom today: some sample books from a publisher, including some instructional materials. YEA! I love free stuff! The wheels are turning in my head about how I'm going to use them.
  • I also finished filling out my (yearly) supply order form. After all of the pens, markers, papers, etc. I still had some money left for some sweet posters, maps, and other "fun" stuff. Now I can't wait until it all comes in so I can make my mark on my classroom. All year I had posters that the students made up all over. That's good and all, but this year my classroom is going to look like the idea I've had in my mind for the past few years. (I will leave some room for the students' posters.)
  • The CAMP today!!! At one point there were fifteen girls there but by the time I was ready to go sauna, everyone else was gone. Weird. So I ate dinner and went sauna/swimming alone. It was peaceful being there by myself. It started to rain so I closed myself up inside and read some more of my book.
  • Now I'm home and I'm supposed to be packing. I'll be gone for ten days so that's a lot of packing. I don't like packing. I'm not looking forward to it. I think I'm procrastinating. What do I need to bring? Did I mention I'm not fond of packing?
  • I wake up a lot during the night (every hour and a half - or so) and last night I decided that everytime I woke up during the night, I'd get something done. So my room got semi-cleaned during the night hours. The only problem is now I don't know where everything is. Shoot.
  • I get to go and see the babies tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Wow, sounds like you've got a busy summer lined up:) Enjoy!

  2. Who all was out at the camp?? That sounds like something that was pretty common a few (or more) years ago! *hsh


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