Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I think I'm in a contemplative mood tonight. Not sure if that's the right word but I've been thinking a lot. Reminiscing.
I'm going to Connecticut for a couple of days in June to visit "my boys" - the family I lived with and nannied for for close to a year. {That's when this whole blog started, and why it has "inct" [in connecticut] in the address.} They have three boys who were 6, 9, and 12 when I moved there. I cannot even believe this, but they are now 10, 13, and 16!! They are no longer the young boys I helped with math problems and with learning how to read. The squirt and peewee hockey games I drove them to and watched are no more. The oldest one is halfway through high school. I can't even begin to imagine how much they've grown since I lived there. I have gone back a couple of times to visit but it's been over a year. It looks like they're going to have a really busy summer so I don't think they'll be able to make it to the wedding so I wanted to go there before the wedding so I could see them again. I'm not sure when it will be after that. I really want Dave to meet them sometime but he has to work when I'm going... hopefully we'll be able to go together before too long.

It's strange going back to the small town I lived in. I made some great friendships while I was there and it seems like the girls should still be there (even though I'm gone). They're not. They were all there temporarily, too, nannying for a year. It's going to be weird driving past their streets or seeing our old spots (the train station for the city, Starbucks, the mall, Wendy's, IHop, etc.) without them being around.

I'm also going to spend a few hours in my favorite city :) Have I mentioned I really love NYC?!

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