Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Today was a DAY at school. Students in third hour were giving me attitude for the first couple of minutes so I decided I wasn't going to put up with it and try to teach them... and I gave them tons of work to do instead.
Later that day a girl asked if that's what I was planning on doing today and I told her that no, we were going to watch a movie (we're studying September 11th). She was so annoyed. All day I heard about how the girls were annoyed at the boys who were giving me grief... I have a feeling it's not going to happen again. (It better not!!) It's one of the only times (maybe second?) I've ever had to do that so I guess that's good. But I was truly mad. Contrary to what most people probably think, teachers don't truly get mad very often. Or at least I don't.

The rest of the day was fun. Every other hour was great and productive so I'm not sure what happened in those few minutes.

Three more days for the seniors! Yea!!!
For me: 12 days, then 3 days of exams :)
We're wrapping things up!

But I start two classes in a few days. The kind where I'm the student and have to do tons of reading and writing. Hopefully my brain isn't too fried by the end of the school year because I have to be able to produce some good work.

I went this long without mentioning the wedding. Pretty good, don't you think? :) Our invitations are picked out and the order is going out for them tomorrow. Hopefully by the end of next week we'll be working on addressing them. I have to say, though, that I don't plan on sending them until the end of this month/beginning of June.

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