Today we set off for the 100th time for a nice long drive. We are going home for Christmas! I am lucky we get to go home so often. And for TWO weeks for Christmas this year! So lucky!!
I hope the boys travel well. Sometimes they're very good, and sometimes not at all. Last time, Anders cried/fussed/screamed for the first six hours. Six. Hours. We'll stop about halfway and since we have two weeks at home, we don't have to be in a hurry. When we go so far for a long weekend or something short, we hurry home. I'm looking forward to a trip where we aren't trying to make great time. It'll be fun to stop and smell the roses. :)
Do you know a parent who needs help? Pass this along! National Parent Helpline- Call to get emotional support from a trained advocate and become empowered and a stronger parent: 1-855-4 A Parent (855-427-2736), available Monday thru Friday, 10 AM to 7 PM, PST. Operated by Parents Anonymous, Inc.