Friday, January 2, 2015

Friday Favorites

I've been reading lots of blogs lately even while not keeping up with my own. One of my favorite blogs right now is Momfessionals. She does a post called Friday Favorites every week and today I'm joining her. (PS Check out her super busy family life at if you get the chance).

Since it's so cold and snowy, one of my favorites today is our wood stove and the coziness it creates in our house. I love it!

Aiden has been wearing jeans nonstop since he was born (practically - haha!). He has a new sweatsuit and it's probably my favorite outfit of his lately. He's never worn a sweatsuit before and he's soooo cute in it!

I seriously loved this holiday season. It was probably my favorite one yet! So relaxing (yes, relaxing - can you believe it?!!!) even though we did tons of baking, cooking, wrapping, visiting, parties, etc. Busy and relaxing at the same time -- yes, definitely my favorite!

Last, (I'm doing a nice round number - 5) Chicago Fire and Chicago PD are my favorites! Dave got me season 1 of Chicago PD and season 2 of Chicago Fire for Christmas (!!) and both shows have new episodes next week after being off for about a month. Yay!

When I get back into this more, I'll start adding pictures to Friday Favorites and I'll ask you to link up to yours. But since I'm taking things slowly (& posting from my phone), I'm not doing either one right now.

Have a happy first weekend of 2015!

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