Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Goals for 2015

I've never been big on New Years Resolutions. I usually try to work on myself all year long. I'll go in stages where I'm working on different things, but the stages don't usually begin with the new year.
I'm pretty scared about sharing this, but I'm going to go ahead with it anyway. I've lost my readership for the most part anyway so I don't know who will see it.
This year between Christmas and New Years I was reading the Christmas story from Matthew or Luke and I continued on for several chapters beyond Jesus's birth. I read a verse where Jesus says that you should love him more than anyone else.

I thought about that for many days. How do I show this in my life? Or how can I work on it, not necessarily for others to see, but so I know? During this Christmas season, I thought a lot about Mary and Joseph as a young couple and not in the overall big picture. The things they went through as a couple, and later as parents on this earth.

So, putting those two big things together over several days, I had the realization that one way I can  love Jesus is by taking care of the most precious gifts I've ever been given - Dave, Aiden, and Anders. To work on being better at taking care of my family. Of course I've always been Aiden and Anders's mom. I've always taken care of them. So what I'm working on now is being a better mom and wife. Being thankful in more moments. Doing the little things and the big things without thinking of myself.

I guess the biggest difference is in my head. We got home late the other night & usually I'd leave things for morning because I was too tired. I realized the couple things that needed to be done would take 10-15 minutes and I was happy to do them. The next day I was able to start the day a couple steps ahead and it made a huge difference.

As a mom to an infant and 2 year old, sometimes all you want to do is take a nap. And by sometimes, I mean every single day. Most days the nap never happens. Now I'm working on realizing that right away, and getting little (or big) things done instead of spending the afternoon trying to get both boys sleeping at the same time. In the end, stuff got done and I'm not frustrated by the lack of a nap. I know if I really need one, Dave will hang out with the boys and give me some quiet time.

So far I'm feeling really good about this! And I'm better at getting stuff done.
Thanks for listening to me ramble.
What are you working on for 2015?

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