We graduated together (me - Bachelor's Degree in Social Sciences - Education, Kelly - [her second degree] Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences) in December 2005 and she had her sights higher. Much higher. Since then she's been working on her goal of becoming an optometrist.
When you officially become a doctor, you get "hooded." Here's the only picture I got of her on stage during this part of the ceremony.
Her mom, dad, and youngest sister came to celebrate with her.
Dr. A!!!!
Congratulations, Kelly!! I'm so proud of you and excited that you get to "be" what you've been working so hard on for all these years.
Thanks, Karen, for posting this and for your support along the way!! My family and friends made all the difference on this journey. :)
Nice job, Karen! It was a nice surprise to see you and Dave there--even though Kelly told me you'd be there!
Kathy Abbott
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