Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Updated to-do list

On Monday, June 21st I made a list on here of everything I need to accomplish. I'm putting the list onto this post and updating it...
  1. DONE!!!! :) (Unfortunately this has to be at the top of the list.) Homework: 8 assignments. Some are small, three are quite large, including a research paper. It's going to take lots of time to do it all and submit it. :( My goal is to have all of this done by 11:59pm on Monday, June 28th. If that happens, I can forget about homework for the rest of the wedding week & our honeymoon.
  2. Done. Organize some things at Dave's house. I'm down here visiting him and my sister & her family so I brought some things I'll need after the wedding when we're living here. I wasn't organized enough when I was packing it, so now I need to work on that here. I have until Friday, June 25th for this.
  3. Working on this: Finish packing up things at home.
  4. Done. (A beautiful wedding and fun day!) A cousin's wedding ~ Kate and Chris's big day is on Saturday!
  5. Done - fun seeing everyone! Two (cousin) bridal showers ~ Liisa on Saturday and Sally on Monday.
  6. Done. (I hope! If you're wondering, just ask!) Let everyone know what's going on next week. I can hardly believe I'm saying that. NEXT WEEK!!
  7. Done. Thanks Kristin! Get my hair cut. I was going to this past weekend but we just ran out of time.
  8. Done. Finish buying gifts. I have to finish just a couple more.
  9. Working on it: Wrap gifts.
  10. Working on it: Pack for our honeymoon ~ a week (or so) in the Caribbean!
  11. I think we did this: Run through the schedule with my sisters and mom to make sure we're not forgetting anything. (This should go before #6...)
  12. Set up the church, prepare food, make bouquets & centerpieces (Thursday, July 1st)
  13. Trying to: Relax so I can enjoy it all.
Not bad, hey?
Lots of fun, fun, fun stuff left!!

P.S. Number two says I'm downstate but that's from last week. I came home on Friday and I'm here to stay until the wedding.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

He's getting old ;)

Today is Dave's birthday! He's working this evening so we got to spend this morning/early afternoon together. I made panukkuka (I never know how to spell it!) for him for breakfast then we went outside and enjoyed the beautiful weather.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I'm learning

I'm sitting here under a pile of homework. Seriously. It's so high I can't see out. I think the thing I need the most right now is motivation. That's possibly the biggest hurdle I'm facing over the next 5 days. I don't have enough of it. I feel like I'm organizing my days enough that I should have enough time to get somewhere on this mound... but to no avail. It just isn't happening. For awhile today I felt like I actually got somewhere. I had this great feeling of accomplishment, I was on a roll, I was going to finish and submit a couple of assignments. It was a great feeling! Until I realized I was hungry. I looked at my clock and sure enough, it was dinner time. So I called Michelle and we made a plan for dinner, I met up with her, we had dinner... then I thought of some errands I needed to do. This is where the problem came in today. Those errands (which I thought wouldn't take more than an hour) turned into four hours of running around. Seriously, four hours.

Now I'm on my computer, supposed to be finishing up those assignments I actually got somewhere on earlier and now I'm getting nowhere on them. I don't remember where I was going with my thoughts and can't figure out how to start over. So that = I'm stuck.

Oh yeah, I'm learning. Except it has nothing to do with Theoretical Foundations of Education or Curriculum Development.
I'm learning that I do my best work in the morning, can get some stuff done in the afternoon and get nowhere in the evening. Some people like mornings and others are night owls. I never claimed to be a night owl although I don't like getting up early like some people... If I get my best work done in the morning, does that mean I'm a morning person? Crazy thought.

Case in point - I'm posting on here instead of working on homework. Shoot.

Monday, June 21, 2010

My to-do list

Over the next eleven(!) days, here's what I need to accomplish or what's going on:

  1. (Unfortunately this has to be at the top of the list.) Homework: 8 assignments. Some are small, three are quite large, including a research paper. It's going to take lots of time to do it all and submit it. :( My goal is to have all of this done by 11:59pm on Monday, June 28th. If that happens, I can forget about homework for the rest of the wedding week & our honeymoon.
  2. Organize some things at Dave's house. I'm down here visiting him and my sister & her family so I brought some things I'll need after the wedding when we're living here. I wasn't organized enough when I was packing it, so now I need to work on that here. I have until Friday, June 25th for this.
  3. Finish packing up things at home.
  4. A cousin's wedding ~ Kate and Chris's big day is on Saturday!
  5. Two (cousin) bridal showers ~ Liisa on Saturday and Sally on Monday.
  6. Let everyone know what's going on next week. I can hardly believe I'm saying that. NEXT WEEK!!
  7. Get my hair cut. I was going to this past weekend but we just ran out of time.
  8. Finish buying gifts. I have to finish just a couple more.
  9. Wrap gifts.
  10. Pack for our honeymoon ~ a week (or so) in the Caribbean!
  11. Run through the schedule with my sisters and mom to make sure we're not forgetting anything. (This should go before #6...)
  12. Set up the church, prepare food, make bouquets & centerpieces (Thursday, July 1st)
  13. Relax so I can enjoy it all.
What am I forgetting?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A busy week

I've thought of updating this quite a few times in the past week but every time I was in the car.

Thanks to everyone for the gifts, food, and company at my bridal shower! It was such a fun morning and so wonderful to share this exciting time. Dave and I are very grateful for the support.
(I'll post more pictures when I get them. I've been really slow with pictures lately.)

The day after the shower, I drove across the state to see Dave for a few days. Then I drove home on Wednesday, went to Minnesota on Thursday, attended and took photos at a wedding there on Friday and then drove home (got home around midnight), and got in the car at 4:30am on Saturday and came back to this end of the state. It was Kenny and Henrik's first birthday party yesterday so my mom and I came for that.

I'm supposed to go to NYC and CT tomorrow for the night but my flight was cancelled. :(
I can't believe it. :(

Besides that, less than three weeks until the big day! Pretty much everything is ready, aside from the last-minute things you can't do ahead of time.

This summer is flying by already and I have a feeling it's not going to slow down.

Friday, June 4, 2010



That's all. :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dave's gonna love this

He's going to be my husband in one month!

He's probably not going to be too pumped about this solo pic of him but I really like it.
30 days to go!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Congratulations David and Greta!!

They're getting married!!

August 14th is going to be the big day!

Just about there

1.5 more days of students!!
3 total days until this year is history!
I can't WAIT to be done with all of this grading. Seriously. You should see the pile. When I sit next to it, I kind of disappear. That's how high it is. That's not a good sign when I'm about to start giving exams... the US History exam is ten pages long. Ten pages that I have to grade, times 26 students. Shoot. What was I thinking? If I see you in the next few days, I might hand over a green pen and ask you to mark up some papers.

Haha. Just kidding. Maybe.

Have a good week!