I feel like I'm always saying that. I'm back in Connecticut. This time I was gone for ten days. I flew to Detroit on March 8th, Liz and her mom (and aunt Karen) picked me up from the airport and brought me home. My family didn't know I was coming. Boy, were they surprised!
Here are some of the reactions I got:
Mom: "Karen?!!!" Then she had to sit down because she almost fell over.
Dad: "Wow!!! This is shocking!!!" (Mind you we never usually get reactions from him.)
Julie: "SHUT UP!!! Shut up!!! No way!!! Seriously? OH. MY. GOSH!!!!" :)
Peter: "HI Karen" (not much of a reaction from him)
David: "whoa, hey!" (followed by a big smile)
Michelle: "What are you doing here? Wait! What's going on? Seriously, what are you doing here?"
Heidi: "WHAT'S GOING ON?!!! What are you doing here?"
probably my favorite: Katz: "AAAAAAAAAAaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!" Then she ran across the room and jumped on me, looked at me, gave me a hug, looked at me again... like she didn't really believe I was there.
I got to go snowshoeing 3 times while I was home!! All three times were on the shores of Lake Superior, so that was extra awesome.
Robert and Maria's wedding weekend downstate was busy and lots of fun! I don't think anyone got much sleep, including my aunts and uncles. They said they were having too much fun to go to sleep. Sounds like successful weekend, hey?
Sunday Ed and Wade brought Liz and me to the airport. Liz's flight left at 6:30, so we got there around 5:00. Mine was supposed to leave at 9:00, but was delayed until 10:15. That meant arriving to La Guardia at about 11:45... catching a bus to Grand Central Terminal (got there around 12:40), then the 1:12 train back to Noroton Heights. Tamara was awesome and picked me up from the train station at 2:00am. Thanks again! :) I finally got in my bed at 2:30. Whew!! A long, exhausting day! and I'm not going to admit how much I slept today...
oh yeah. One more thing. There was a snowstorm here while I was gone. We now have more snow on the ground than we got the entire winter! I'm ready for winter to be over.
Here are some of the reactions I got:
Mom: "Karen?!!!" Then she had to sit down because she almost fell over.
Dad: "Wow!!! This is shocking!!!" (Mind you we never usually get reactions from him.)
Julie: "SHUT UP!!! Shut up!!! No way!!! Seriously? OH. MY. GOSH!!!!" :)
Peter: "HI Karen" (not much of a reaction from him)
David: "whoa, hey!" (followed by a big smile)
Michelle: "What are you doing here? Wait! What's going on? Seriously, what are you doing here?"
Heidi: "WHAT'S GOING ON?!!! What are you doing here?"
probably my favorite: Katz: "AAAAAAAAAAaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!" Then she ran across the room and jumped on me, looked at me, gave me a hug, looked at me again... like she didn't really believe I was there.
I got to go snowshoeing 3 times while I was home!! All three times were on the shores of Lake Superior, so that was extra awesome.
Robert and Maria's wedding weekend downstate was busy and lots of fun! I don't think anyone got much sleep, including my aunts and uncles. They said they were having too much fun to go to sleep. Sounds like successful weekend, hey?
Sunday Ed and Wade brought Liz and me to the airport. Liz's flight left at 6:30, so we got there around 5:00. Mine was supposed to leave at 9:00, but was delayed until 10:15. That meant arriving to La Guardia at about 11:45... catching a bus to Grand Central Terminal (got there around 12:40), then the 1:12 train back to Noroton Heights. Tamara was awesome and picked me up from the train station at 2:00am. Thanks again! :) I finally got in my bed at 2:30. Whew!! A long, exhausting day! and I'm not going to admit how much I slept today...
oh yeah. One more thing. There was a snowstorm here while I was gone. We now have more snow on the ground than we got the entire winter! I'm ready for winter to be over.
The picture on top is in Copper Harbor, snowshoeing #1, on the bottom is near Gay/Betsy, snowshoeing #3.
lucky you that you got to sleep today:) I struggled out of bed and dragged myself to work where I felt like I could sleep standing up.
lucky you that you got to sleep today:) I struggled out of bed and dragged myself to work where I felt like I could sleep standing up.
hi karen, you must see borat.... some of the movie is gross, but there are some parts where you will laugh hysterically. but overall there is lots of nudity ( hairy fat men) you may find it funny, i guess from a guys perspective it is a good laugh
hey karen very first time on here. it was fun to read. One of my supervisors told me i HAVE THOSE days off in May. dad's looking for places to stay. Jim where did you suggest? cape cod or nantucket? just got back from one trip and we're planning the next!!!FUN!!!!have a great week Karen. love, Mom
k karen NOW this is katz. i tried making a thing earlier so i could publish a comment... but then i didnt want to make a page or whatever but anyways.. EAT CHINEASE IN BOSTON!! YUM!!! im craving it. mom said to tell you that now shes goign to be coming on here because its easy to get to since i put it on my favorites so you guys can keep in touch!
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