Friday, July 27, 2007
I'm leaving... on a jet plane :)
That's about all I've got. So much to do, see you all soon!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Then we walked over to the Central Park Zoo. I had heard that it's pretty cool, but it didn't really meet my expectations. I mean, it's a zoo... but a pretty small one. We saw the entire thing in less than 40 minutes.
Katharina's back in town from an 18 day trip to Hawaii. LUCKY girl! :) I got to see her pictures yesterday, and now I would love to go there! It looks gorgeous!
Sarah's in the Hamptons for the next month. And she met Steven Spielberg!
Tamara just spent 3.5 days camping in Maine. She invited me, but I decided against it since I'm leaving so soon.
AND Ellen just got back from a week-long vacation visiting a friend in Canada. So everyone has been on some cool adventures lately. I guess I'm included in that "everyone" -- even though my adventures have all been to the city... 5 times in 8 days!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Much to do!
I was thinking the other day if I'm going to continue this blog when I'm home or not... It's supposed to be about my life in Connecticut, but I guess I could always just change the title. We'll see how I'm feeling about it once I get home.
See y'all soon!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Trying to contain my excitement!
However, I can hardly believe that in just 9 days I get to go to the CAMP!! I can't think about it too much because I get soooooo excited! Our special spot on the eastern side of the Peninsula, with the soft white sand and beautiful clear blue water. I've been missing it so much out here.

Mom is going to pick me up from the airport next Monday and we're dropping my stuff off at home and going straight out there!! YEA :) I CAN'T WAIT!! I'm going to run onto the beach, lay on the sand and just soak it all in.

(This photo was last summer -- end of July/ beginning of August -- and as far as our attire: at the camp, anything goes! Heidi, Kristin, K, Lynne)
Friday, July 20, 2007
Theme Songs
August is already filling up with events and random things going on! I feel like it's already half gone, and it doesn't start for almost two more weeks! I'm getting very excited...
We may go to a water park on Monday with the boys. I have a feeling this last week is going to be very busy -- there's a lot of things Marcy wants to do. So I've been packing a little every day -- I don't want to leave it for the last day and have packing anxiety (something I've developed over the past year).
I CAN HARDLY WAIT to see you all!!
Tonight we're going to the beach club for a barbeque! I think I may go swimming in the Sound, but we'll see. It's kind of gross (not that clean, plus it's rocky), but maybe it'll be nice where we're going.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
12 days to go!!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
One of my last Sundays
1. Block Island
2. Newport, Rhode Island
3. Mets game vs. Cinncinnati
Any one of the three will be lots of fun, so we'll see what we end up doing.
My thoughts are at home today. CONGRATULATIONS Carmen and Brent!! I hope the weather is cooperating for a beautiful outdoor wedding! :) Wish I could be there.
It's going to be a lonely week coming up. Katharina is in Hawaii, Sarah is leaving :(, and Ellen is going to visit a friend in Canada. So it'll be Tamara and me. One of her friends from Missouri is coming to visit, though, so I guess it won't be just the two of us. I move home 2 weeks from Monday!!! It's getting close!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Another Sunday adventure!
We saw President Bush!!! (sort of) We were trying to go and see the White House, but it was blocked off at first. So we waited a few minutes, and then saw a helicopter take off from the South Lawn. I read once that the only people that ever leave the White House this way are the President and First Lady.
So then we saw the White House, walked up a little to the Washington Monument, on to the World War II Memorial (it was my first time seeing it -- when I was there in 2000, they hadn't even started working on it), then the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial (where I bought a panoramic puzzle -- I can't wait to make it!). Next stop was my favorite: the Korean War Memorial, then on to the FDR Memorial (I had never been here, either. It's a lot bigger than I imagined). We walked along the Potomac to the Jefferson Memorial, then back to the Mall to the Natural History Museum (sadly, the American History Museum is closed for renovation), then to the Air and Space Museum. The last stop on this tourist trek for us was the Capitol Building. Then we stopped for dinner and made our way back to my bus stop. (I didn't go into much detail because that's really how fast we saw everything. We didn't have much time to stop and relax -- we had too much to do in a very short time.) Martin only had a 40 minute drive back (LUCKY!). I left the city at about 8:15 and arrived home at 3:00am. :S
It shouldn't have been that long, but I missed a train at Grand Central by one minute. so then I had to wait close to an hour for the next one. If I had made the earlier one, I would've still gotten home really late -- 2:00, so either way it was a long day. I was gone for 21.5 hours!! I met some really unique people on the bus rides there and back. The person next to me commented that that's what happens when you use the cheapest mode of transportation.
So I FINALLY got to go back to Washington, DC. and it was such a spur-of-the-moment decision. Saturday afternoon I was sitting around thinking about what I wanted to do with my 2 days off, and I decided I didn't want to waste them since I have such a short time left. So I called Martin and we made the plans to meet in the city. Going there for the first time was what really influenced me to become a history teacher. There was just so much history in all of the things we saw, and I just had to know more. And then once I learned about everything, I really wanted to pass on the knowledge and excitement to others. This trip reminded me of all of those feelings. so I can't wait to get back to that learning and teaching again!!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
We love NY
Anyway, we took about 40 photos around the city in our favorite places. Here are a few. Enjoy! :)

Times Square!! (Sarah, K, Katharina, and Tamara. Sarah and Tamara are coming to the UP to visit for a week in August!!)
Unforgettable 4th of July
Here's our picnic spot in Central Park (conveniently under a tree).

(This was our spot. I know I'm making a great fashion statement... )
I guess we didn't end up having a very good spot because right next to us was the rudest, crudest women I have ever encountered in my life. I'm still disturbed by her and my ears have been free of her comments and outrages for over 17 hours. I was seriously scared by the comments she was making, but by that time everyone was packed in (like sardines... or cattle) so we had nowhere to go. I really think I'm scarred for life. She spoke words I've never even heard before. and her 4-year-old son was right there with her. and other people had their children with them, within hearing distance of her, too. I'M SO DISTURBED. the fireworks were awesome. Or what we saw of them anyway. The smoke didn't clear right away so we missed out on some of it. The ones we saw were breath-taking!
I can't say I'm glad I went, because if I hadn't gone I never would've experienced the worst human (by far) behavior I'm even aware of. Maybe someday I'll look back and say I'm glad I did it.
So then we got on the train with our wet, messy blankets and wet clothes, bags, etc and made our way home by 11:30. When we got back, I realized I had left the sunroof partly open and it had rained off and on all day... so the car was soaking wet. :( By this time I wanted to cry. and get on the first plane out of La Guardia that was going anywhere near Michigan. I got home and had to clean up the huge mess of the day, and then I had a hard time falling asleep because of that woman.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Unexpected excitement!!
I'm so excited! I know it's going to be a bit crazy down there, but it'll still be lots of fun. We're also going to have a picnic in Central Park...
I still would love to be in the Harbor for the fourth, though!