Saturday, February 21, 2009


I had a pretty unproductive day today and it felt GOOD!!!

Busy week coming up as usual, so it felt good to just take it easy. I have a substitute coming in for a day this week, next week, and for three days two weeks later. Having a sub is like double the work of doing it yourself, so I'm "looking forward to" all the extra work. Yep. It'll be good to see how they are without me there. I still don't like leaving them, but it's a lot easier than that first time back in September. I remember being nervous about that day... someone else coming in to my classroom, seeing how I do things, judging me, having an opinion on how I am as a teacher based on how the students behaved... it was scary! Maybe this means I'm controlling? but I like being the one in control of my class. :)

Couple of things: some students were wondering if I own any jeans. They notice when I get new clothes. Or when I do my hair (differently). Or if I have different shoes on. When I laugh, they get a little nervous and don't know what to do -- join in and laugh with me or pretend like they don't notice. My room is really electrically-charged. Everything shocks me (and some other students). The chalkboard, plants, the lightswitch, students (when I'm passing out papers)... know any remedies to this? Some of the shocks are strong! Especially on the board - you can actually see the spark.

This month's almost history ~~~ we're making it through the winter!! Hope you're all finding good, positive ways to pass your days!


Anonymous said...

Hi Karen. I'm thinking a humidifier would take away the shocks. ~Brita Haapala

Anna said...

I sometimes have those shocking days around here. It's really a pain (literally!) and I don't have any remedy...I should try the humidifier too!

Megan said...

I too was going to suggest a humidifier. :) A cheap fix. We had one running in the kids room at our house in town, and thought the humidity gage was broken on it. We thought it was stuck on low. Well, we put it going in our apt, and it jumped a notch or two after we had it running non-stop for two days. :) So they do work. :0) good luck!

Pete/Heidi said...

Use lotion and keep things a bit more moist... It will help at least you avoid getting shocked! :)

Karen said...

Thanks for the suggestions! I'll definitely have to pick up a humidifier.

Karen said...
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